Sunday, 8 July 2012

Sick and tired

We are tired of being sick in Mildura. Harry has had bronchitis which I proceeded to catch, not surprising given that I'm the one he's been coughing and spluttering all over. Today was spent alternating between the couch and bed, though after all that rest , I think I am starting to feel better. We want to move on from Mildura, not that we haven't enjoyed Mildura but we want to go and have adventures not rest in apartments. It hasn't been all bad though, here are some highlights:
1. A Paddlesteamer ride down the Murray, reclining in a deck chair with the afternoon sun on my face watching the Gums on the riverbank pass us by.
2. The hospitality of the locals, I think they are feeling for us too- from bringing the remainder of our Stefanos 6 course degustation meal to our room as Harry was too sick to stay at the restaurant to the lady that owns the apartment we are staying in giving us enormous bowls of oranges *to aid our recovery
3. The amazing park our front door opens onto
4. The farmers market we were able to go to yesterday, lots of yummy fresh produce
* the irony of us being stuck in a town famous for oranges when we are all sick hasn't escaped me!

We hope to get to Mungo National Park tomorrow

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