Saturday, 29 September 2012

It was a day for facing fears...

so I did. I'm not sure if I have real phobia of heights now that I am a responsible adult or that fear was born into me along with the birth of my children, my fear is worse when they are on the high place with me.
So on our drive from Margaret river to Albany we cam across a few of these climbing tress, so we decided to partake in the climbing of the Gloucester Tree. It is just out of Pemberton, is 58-62 meters high9 depending on your source of information. They used to be fire lookout trees but now are just there for the general public to climb , in fact there are no real guidelines here , Harry started to climb this tree but with the lack of a safety net,literally, and just steel prongs to get you up to 60 metres, Pete and I decided that it wasn't a good idea for a 5 year old. Haz wasn't happy about this so we fabricated what the sign said just a 5 y.o . up the tree

So it was really scary, you just had these metal prongs coming out of the tree to climb, there was wire on the side of you but if you missed the bar with your foot or slipped you would be hanging 60 metres in the air with nothing between you and the ground. I was doing some serious deep breathing and felt a little light headed at the top, perhaps due to my deep breathing. Coming down was easier maybe because I was climbing with the girls, on the ascent they shot off really fast as son as we stopped Harry from climbing I think they feared we may stop them too.
Once I was back down on firm ground i was quite proud of myself, not something I need to do again in a hurry bit it was worth the efforts as the view from the op was fantastic.
We continued our theme of climbing and headed off to The Valley of The giants and The tree Top walk. It was much more accessible, with a 40 metre high walk way through the tree tops. The walk way was an amazing engineering feat, designed to sway in the breeze or when children ran across it. Any way , Harry could come with us on this one.

We finished the day with a walk through the Ancient kingdom. A great board walk through  a section of forest with ancient Tingle trees, some up to four hundred years old, these trees are quite unique in that often they have hollowed out bases of their trunks, also some of the trunks measure up to 16 metres in circumference!
We arrived in Albany late that night.

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