Wednesday, 5 September 2012

The Horizontal Waterfalls

So we're having a little holiday from our holiday in Cable Beach Resort for four nights. We just couldn't resist as we were going to Broome and we stayed at Cable beach last year and loved it. The van is parked out the back in the car park, it does look a little unusual.

Anyway on our first day in Broome we had booked to go on a tour of the Horizontal Waterfalls in the Timor Sea.we were picked up and taken to the airport where we boarded a sea plane, imagine the excitement of Harry, going in a plane that was going to land on water!!

We had a flight for about one and a half hours over the coast of Broome and up toward the Buccaneer Archipelago, very beautiful flying over those aqua seas with islands dotted around. We then landed in the Timor sea and got off the plane and onto a pontoon in the middle of the sea, to which a huge, houseboat was moored.

As we walked along the pontoon which didn't have any railing we noticed numerous sharks swimming around, this made me a little nervous as Harry in his excited state was running around quite recklessly.It it would have taken was one little trip over the uneven surface and you'd be in with the sharks!

After a cuppa we came downstairs from the houseboat for the shark feeding session, where Timmy a young guy with bandaged fingers hand fed the sharks fish.We could elect to swim in cages alongside the sharks or view them from above as they were fed.They were hungry and frantic.

We then had a delicious lunch of grilled barramundi and salad, in which Harry had three pieces of fish and would have eaten more if we didn't have to get on the boat for our trip through the Horizontal Falls. We boarded the boat which was a little unusual because you sort of straddle this rounded seat. we then went for a little cruise through Cyclone Creek , a little side trip which was also very picturesque. We then went to the Horizontal Falls, which are created by the fast changes in the tide which cause a huge displacement of water through a narrow rock space which cause a rush of water, like a waterfall except its horizontal.

It was great fun, as you go very fast and it's quite a bumpy ride , the girls' likened it to a ride at the show. the kids loved it! after our action packed day, we flew home , the return flight being more direct and thus inland. There was burning off being done and the smoke and the fire trail looked quite spectacular from the sky. We were dropped back to our resort, complete with a DVD of our experience, so if any one is interested we can show it to you when we get home!

Once we got home we headed straight back out to Town Beach to see The Staircase to the Moon....but that's a whole other blog!

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