Thursday, 6 September 2012

Staircase to the Moon

We were lucky enough to be in Broome for this spectacular, natural phenomenon. Lucky because we'd changed our original itinerary so we could do the Gibb River Road and by putting everything back a week it meant we were in Broome at the right time to see the Staircase. I'd tried to see it last year when we were in Broome but we left a couple of days before it was happening, I'd tried to change flights so we could stay and see it but there were none available. Anyway so we were in luck this time.

The Staircase to the Moon only happens once a month for three days on a full moon at low tide. It happens when the full moon reflects on the mudflats and gives the illusion that there is a staircase connecting the moon to the earth.

So we made our way down to Town Beach along with hundreds of others who'd come out to see this amazing spectacle. We found a good viewing point , standing room only and waited for the moon to rise. It was beautiful and just as awesome as I'd hoped, just as spectacular as the postcards and the hype had led us to believe- definiely woth the effort in getting there.

Unfortunately my camera doesn't do it justice, but you'll get the idea....

After the main attraction was over we had a wander around the night markets which they put on to co-incide with the "Staircase". Had a great home-made ice-cream and made our way home to bed very contented as the end came to another fantastic day.

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